Sunday, 6 February 2011


That's the only way to describe my consumption last night.  It started with a few Pringles and then:

Pizza Hut Super Supreme and Meat Machine

This was as greasy and disgusting as it looked.  I had two and a bit slices which was more than enough.  I really prefer Pizza Go Go but the last time I got it there was a suspect (curly black) hair in my stuffed crust. Understandably this put me off.  

After a few (!) drinks, a lot of Singstar and some dancing we were obviously famished so at 4am we made our way from the club to Chick Chicken:

Meal Deal Number 8

I was warned that this would be too much food and it was.  I ate the burger and chips and a little bit of the other chicken.  Why did I order all this food?! I realised that this was my second lot of dirty chicken in a fortnight; alcohol is bad.

I started today with a bacon sandwich but didn't take a photo.  All of my sandwich photos look the same though as all you can ever see is bread.  Perhaps I need to practise my food styling and take some better pictures.

Heinz Ravioli

We didn't have much in the house so popped to the shop to get something quick and easy.  This isn't bad for you calorie and fat wise but it's disgusting.  Seriously, why was this ever produced.  How can they even call it ravioli???

Roast Chicken Dinner

What more can you ask for on a Sunday?! I couldn't eat it all though so some of it is going in a sandwich for lunch tomorrow.  Look at all the vegetables! This is the start of some healthier eating this week.  Carrying on with this healthiness I then had:


What a good girl!  I'm off to get a biscuit to dip in my cuppa.

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