Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Telly Addict

The TV is full of foodie programmes tonight so this post is short so I can watch them. They are:

Great British Food Revival-this is new and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. It could be a bit too preachy for me.  A bad start as they used the Hairy Bikers; these two have got to be the worst telly chefs around (in my opinion). They present as if they're on CBeebies and make up words such as 'Cauliflowerlicious'. Annoying.

Masterchef-still not sure if I like the new format but more importantly, I don't think any of the contestants are likeable. At the moment I don't want any of them to win and couldn't name them either.

Jamie's Dream School-loosely linked to food but I think Jamie's going to do some actual cooking tonight. I enjoy shouting at the telly to this one.

Today I ate...

Cottage Cheese, Celery and Smoked Salmon on Toast

A random concoction but I really enjoyed it. Didn't fancy the rye bread again. I'll have another go at the weekend maybe.  Perhaps it'll be nice if I relive the original experience and have it with Pea Soup.  I've had rye bread from here before but it wasn't so sweet.

I got the munchies later and had a pear to be healthy. This made me hungrier so I shared a packet of Quavers and ate some of the chorizo which was an ingredient in tonight's dinner...

Goulash (again)

The snacking meant I couldn't quite finish dinner. Typical.

Now I need chocolate. I'm sure I can find some chocolate orange lying around...

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